Program Admissions
Candidates for the MAT program matriculate through the educator preparation assessment requirements in the same manner as all other candidates in initial certification programs. CAP 5 is admission to the program where all MAT candidates must have a cumulative GPA of 2.75 as documented on official transcript for a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution (or 3.0 on last 30 hours). Candidates must also have passing scores on the Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators exams. The transcripts will be reviewed by education and content faculty to determine that the content for the SPA standards have been fulfilled. Further, candidates must provide three dispositional assessments, a clear, state criminal background check, and sign the unit’s disposition assessment policy. They must also sign and commit to the KY Code of Ethics/Character and Fitness, complete a diversity survey and a creativity selfassessment. Candidates must successfully complete an entrance interview/ presentation and writing competency assessment that will be evaluated by education and content faculty.
CAP Document
CAP 6 is a mid-point check in the educator preparation program for graduate candidates and involves evaluation of cumulative GPA (3.0), disposition assessments, completion of at least 100 field experience hours and an application for student teaching for candidates in the traditional route, which includes a portfolio documenting mastery of the KTS, 200 specific field hours, medical exam, TB screening, commitment to the Code of Ethics, and other EPSB and university based requirements (MAT Student Teaching Application).
CAP 7 is program exit. Candidates must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA, passed the PLT, passed student teaching and submitted the exit portfolio based on student teaching for traditional candidates, meeting all Kentucky Teacher Standards. For students who are in the traditional MAT program, CAP 7 would be completed at the end of their student teaching placement with a grade of C or higher. For Option 6 candidates, full exit occurs after successful completion of the KTIP year.
CAP 5 Admission
_____ Application to Graduate Studies and MAT Program
_____ Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators (CASE):
- Reading (156)
- Writing (162)
- Mathematics (150)
Official Transcript _____Y _____N (Reviewed by education and content faculty)
Cumulative GPA 2.75 (or 3.0 on last 30 hours) ___Y ___N GPA_____ Review date: __/__/__
_____ Interview by Education and Content Faculty
Three (3) Disposition recommendations (recommended: immediate supervisor, colleague, self)
(1)_____ (2) _____ (3)_____
_____One -page essay on rationale for graduate study
_____KY Code of Ethics (signed)
_____TB Risk Assessment
_____Character & Fitness(signed)
_____Diversity Survey Signed
_____State Criminal Background Check
_____Statement of Acknowledgement/Commitment (signed) (see back of form)
_____Curriculum Contract/Guide sheet (signed)
_____Disposition Policy
_____Creativity Self Assessment
Content Area:
_____Social Studies
CAP 6 Continuation
_____Transcript Review (min. 3.0 GPA)
_____GPA (minimum 3.0)
_____ Credit Hours Completed (15 earned hours)
_____Updated Curriculum Guidesheet
_____Praxis Subject Assessment Taken and Passed
_____Student Teaching Application (Traditional Candidates); 200 Field Hours Documented for Final Approval
_____Signed Code of Ethics
_____Medical Exam, TB Risk Assessment
_____Documentation of at least 100 field hours
_____Student Teaching Placement Request
_____Federal Criminal Check
_____Dispositions (program professor and self)
CAP 7 Completion/Exit
Transcript Review
_____GPA (minimum 3.0)
_____ 30-36 hours completed
_____Transcript Attached
_____Updated Curriculum Guidesheet
_____Praxis PLT Taken and Passed
_____Exit Portfolio
_____Graduation Application
Other Exit Requirements (Traditional)
_____Two Disposition Recommendations
(1)_____ (self) (2) _____ (faculty)
_____CA-1 Form Completed and Attached
_____Transcript Request