Mar 03, 2025  
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Chiropractic, Doctor

Degree Offered at: Harrodsburg

Campbellsville University’s Doctor of Chiropractic Program (DCP) is designed to prepare students as competent Doctor of Chiropractic who apply evidence-informed, patient centric care strategies with professionalism and integrity.  The DCP is a rigorous 10 semester (trimester) first professional degree program comprising over 4500 instructional hours. Over 1000 hours occur in a clinical setting, most during direct patient care.  Graduates of the DCP demonstrate the program competencies including the knowledge, skill, professionalism, and critical thinking abilities expected of a competent Doctor of Chiropractic. The program also prepares students to enter the business of healthcare  confident in their knowledge of core industry practices and the skill necessary to open or join a thriving clinic. 


The mission of the Doctor of Chiropractic program at Campbellsville University is to educate students to the highest level of achievement. Campbellsville University is dedicated to preparing clinically distinguished chiropractic doctors, who will contribute to the integrity and success of the chiropractic profession while upholding dignity and respect for the diversity of humankind. The Doctor of Chiropractic program will lead and empower others through servant leadership.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO):

Guided by the DCP Mission statement the Doctor of Chiropractic program is directed by the mission of Campbellsvill University, the Chiropractic profession, and the needs of the local, regional, state, and national communities. The DCP supports CU mission by preparing graduates who; Engage in holistic practice that respects the dignity, diversity, and self-determination of patients, without conditions or limitations; Provide culturally appropriate, individualized care to patients, especially those underserved and vulnerable populations experiencing life changes and transitions of care; Engage in research and scholarship that contributes to a journey of life-long learning.

The PLO are designed in relation to the CCE-Meta-competencies, along with one additional learning outcome unique to Campbellsville Universities Doctor of Chiropractic Program.  All courses in the curriculum are mapped to these Program Learning Outcomes to ensure there is linkage between courses and overall program goals.  

  1. Assessment and Diagnosis Assessment and diagnosis require developed clinical reasoning skills. Clinical reasoning consists of data gathering and interpretation, hypothesis generation and testing, and critical evaluation of diagnostic strategies. This dynamic process includes the collection and assessment of data through history, physical examination, imaging, laboratory tests and case-related clinical services.
  2. Management Plan Management involves the development, implementation and monitoring of a patient care plan for positively impacting a patient’s health and well-being, including specific healthcare goals and prognoses. It may include case follow-up, referral, and/or collaborative care.
  3. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Health promotion and disease prevention requires an understanding and application of epidemiological principles regarding the nature and identification of health issues in diverse populations and recognition of the impact of biological, chemical, behavioral, structural, psychosocial and environmental factors on general health
  4. Communication and Record Keeping Effective communication includes oral, written and nonverbal skills with appropriate sensitivity, clarity and control for a wide range of healthcare related activities, to include patient care, professional communication, health education, record keeping and reporting.
  5. Professional Ethics and Jurisprudence Professionals are expected to comply with the law and exhibit ethical behavior.
  6. Information and Technology Literacy Information literacy is a set of abilities, including the use of technology, to locate, evaluate and integrate research and other types of evidence to manage patient care.
  7. Chiropractic Adjustment/Manipulation Doctor of Chiropractic employ the adjustment/manipulation to address joint and neurophysiologic dysfunction. The adjustment/manipulation is a precise procedure requiring the discrimination and identification of dysfunction, interpretation and application of clinical knowledge, and the use of cognitive and psychomotor skills.
  8. Inter-Professional Education Students have the knowledge, skills and values necessary to function as part of an inter-professional team to provide patient-centered collaborative care. Inter-professional teamwork may be demonstrated in didactic, clinical or simulated learning environments.
  9. Chiropractic Business Management. The CU graduate is prepared to operate a successful chiropractic practice and contribute to the integrity and advancement of the profession, always upholding dignity and respect for the diversity of humankind. Necessary skills include constructing a business plan, lease negotiations, expense reporting, corporate structuring, employee management, marketing, effective patient communications and salesmanship. The graduate must be able to effectively code and bill third parties to ensure profitability and integrity for the profession.

Total Required Hours: 223 Hours

Additional Courses:

Prefix Description
• CFS - Chiropractic Foundational Sciences
• TPC - The Practice of Chiropractic
• CCS - Chiropractic Clinical Sciences
• CCE - Chiropractic Clinical Education

The first digit of the course defines its level.
• 5xx are graduate level courses appropriate for Year I
• 6xx are graduate level courses appropriate for Year II
• 7xx are graduate level courses appropriate for Year III
• 8xx are graduate level courses appropriate for Year IV
• 9xx are graduate level courses appropriate for honor track and elective courses.

Additional Courses:

CCS651 - Physical Diagnosis and Functional Assessment 2 - 6 credit hours
CCS652 - Dignostic Imaging 1 - 2 credit hours
CCS653 Toxicology & Pharmacology - 3 credit hours
CCS654 Special Populations 1 - 3 credit hours
TPC650 - Chiropractic Methods 4 - 2 credit hours
CCE 650 Clinical Observation 5 - 1 credit hour
CCS661 Radiological Physics and Positioning - 1 credit hour
CCS662 Diagnostic Imaging 2 - 2 credit hours
CCS663 Emergency Procedures - 1 credit hour
CCS664 Special Popluations 2 - 3 credit hours
TPC660 - Chiropractic Methods 5 - 1 credit hour
TPC660 - Chiropractic Methods 5 - 1 credit hour
TPC661 - Active and Passive Therapeutics 1 - 2 credit hours
TPC662 Clinical Nutrition 1 - 5 credit hours
CCE660 Clinical Observation 6 - 1 credit hour
CCS772  Diagnostic Imaging 3 - 2 credit hours
CCS770 Clinical Psychology - 3 credit hours
TPC770 Chiropractic Methods 6 - 1 credit hour
TPC771 Active and Passive Therapeutics 2 - 2 credit hours
TPC772 Clinical Nutrition 2 - 3 credit hours
CCS771 Diagnostic Review - 3 credit hours
CCE775 Business Principles 1 - 4 credit hours
CCE770 Chiropractic Clerkship I - 2 credit hours
CCE781 Case Review I - 3 credit hours
CCS782 Diagnostic Imaging 4 - 2 credit hours
CCE785 Business Principles 2 - 3 credit hours
CCE780 Chiropractic Clearkship 2 
CCE791 Case Review 2 - 3 credit hours
CCE792 Healthcare Teams - 3 credit hours
CCE795 Business Principles 3 - 3 credit hours
CCE790 Chiropractic Clearkship 3
CCE801 Case Review 3 - 3 credit hours
CCE802 Leadership - 5 credit hours
CCE805 Business Principles 4 - 3 credit hours
CCE800 Chiropractic Clearkship 4