Oct 17, 2024  
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

School of Chiropractic

Dr. Dennis Short, Associate Vice President of Chiropractic, Dean of Operations
Campbellsville University, 974 University Drive, Harrodsburg, KY, 40324
Dr. Trevor Foshang, Dean of Chiropractic Education
Campbellsville University, 974 University Drive, Harrodsburg, KY, 40324


School of Chiropractic Mission

The mission of the Doctor of Chiropractic program at Campbellsville University is to educate students to the highest level of achievement. Campbellsville University is dedicated to prepare clinically distinguished chiropractic doctors, who will contribute to the integrity and success of the professions while upholding dignity and respect for the diversity of humankind. The Doctor of Chiropractic program will lead and empower others through servant leadership.

School of Chiropractic Values

Campbellsville University School of Chiropractic recognizes the value that Chiropractic provides to humanity and is committed to graduating doctors that personify integrity, work ethic, a joy for teaching and learning, respect for others, servant leadership, and are dedicated to the science and art of Chiropractic.
  1. One of the values this institution holds important is INTEGRITY.  We define integrity as a quality of being truthful with strong moral principles. This type of individual is true to their word and can be trusted to do what they have committed to do.
  2. One of the values this institution holds important is WORK ETHIC.  We define work ethic as a principle, that considers hard work as intrinsically virtuous and worthy of reward. This type of individual does what is required regardless of difficulty.
  3. One of the values this institution holds important is THE JOY OF TEACHING AND LEARNING.  Chiropractic education is a never-ending process. We define the joy of teaching and learning as the recognition of this continuous process and its commitment to advancing knowledge. An individual that personifies this principle is a lifelong learner and understands the value of the educational process.
  4. One of the values this institution holds important is RESPECT FOR OTHERS.  We define respect for others as a feeling of appreciation for others regardless of their abilities or achievements. This type of individual accepts people for who they are, even when they are different from themselves in belief and background.
  5. One of the values this institution holds important is SERVANT LEADERSHIP.  We define servant leadership as both a philosophy and practice of committing one’s life to the enrichment of others while creating a more just and caring world. This type of individual practices service above self and recognizes they are committed to patient care over personal needs.
  6. One of the values this institution holds important is DEDICATION TO THE SCIENCE AND ART OF CHIROPRACTIC.  We define dedication to the sciences and art of Chiropractic as a commitment to an academic life for the purpose of understanding the scientific principles supporting Chiropractic and the dedication needed to transform skill into artistry. This type of individual is committed to learning the science and art to the best of their ability in pursuit of mastery.

Program Learning Outcomes

META-COMPETENCY 1: ASSESSMENT & DIAGNOSIS - Assessment and diagnosis require developed clinical reasoning skills. Clinical reasoning consists of data gathering and interpretation, hypothesis generation and testing, and critical evaluation of diagnostic strategies. This dynamic process includes the collection and assessment of data through history, physical examination, imaging, laboratory tests and case-related clinical services.
META-COMPETENCY 2: MANAGEMENT PLAN - Management involves the development, implementation, and monitoring of a patient care plan for positively impacting a patient’s health and well-being, including specific healthcare goals and prognoses. It may include case follow-up, referral, and/or collaborative care.
META-COMPETENCY 3: HEALTH PROMOTION AND DISEASE PREVENTION - Health promotion and disease prevention require an understanding and application of epidemiological principles regarding the nature and identification of health issues in diverse populations and recognition of the impact of biological, chemical, behavioral, structural, psychosocial and environmental factors on general health.
META-COMPETENCY 4: COMMUNICATION AND RECORD KEEPING - Effective communication includes oral, written and nonverbal skills with appropriate sensitivity, clarity and control for a wide range of healthcare-related activities. These include patient care, professional communication, health education, record keeping and reporting.
META-COMPETENCY 5: PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND JURISPRUDENCE - Professionals are expected to comply with the law and exhibit ethical behavior.
META-COMPETENCY 6: INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY LITERACY - Information literacy is a set of abilities, including the use of technology, to locate, evaluate and integrate research and other types of evidence to manage patient care.
META-COMPETENCY 7: CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENT/MANIPULATION - Doctor of Chiropractic employ the adjustment/manipulation to address joint and neurophysiologic dysfunction. The adjustment/manipulation is a precise procedure requiring the discrimination and identification of dysfunction, interpretation and application of clinical knowledge; and the use of cognitive and psychomotor skills.
META-COMPETENCY 8: INTER-PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION - Students have the knowledge, skills and values necessary to function as part of an interprofessional team to provide patient-centered collaborative care. Inter-professional teamwork may be demonstrated in didactic, clinical or simulated learning environments.
META-COMPETENCY 9: CHIROPRACTIC BUSINESS MANAGEMENT - The CU graduate is prepared to operate a successful chiropractic practice and contribute to the integrity and advancement of the profession, always upholding dignity and respect for the diversity of humankind. Necessary skills include constructing a business plan, negotiating leases, reporting expenses, structuring corporations, managing employees, marketing, communicating effectively with patients and salesmanship. The graduate must be able to properly code and bill third parties to ensure profitability and integrity for the profession.

Criteria and Process for Admission to the School of Chiropractic

Applicants to the Chiropractic Program at Campbellsville University must meet the following minimum requirements in order to be considered for admissions. Requirements are:
  • 90 undergraduate credits from a regionally accredited institution. Of the 90 credits, 24 credits will come from life and/or physical sciences with half of these courses including a laboratory component.
  • 3.0 GPA
However, Campbellsville University offers three pathways for admission to the Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) program as described below:
  1. Students that have completed a bachelor’s degree. Students are eligible to apply for the DC program if they have completed a bachelor’s degree with a minimum of 24 semester hours of life and/or physical science of which half have a substantial lab component and have a cumulative GPA above 3.0 using the best 90 credits.
  2. Students that have completed the minimum prerequisite coursework to begin the Doctor of Chiropractic program. Students are eligible to apply for the DC program if they have completed at minimum of 90-semester hours but do not have 24 semester hours of life or physical sciences and/or have a GPA above a 2.75 using the best 90 credits.  Admission under these special circumstances will be contingent upon review of course work and an interview. Students will be required to complete their baccalaureate degree prior to graduation from the DC program.
  3. Students with some college credit, but not 90 credit hours. Students with less than 90 credit hours can be admitted to our undergraduate pre-Chiropractic program (Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts & Sciences concentration in Life Science [BS LAS LS]). Students may be considered for the Chiropractic Program once they have fulfilled the 90-semester hour prerequisite, maintained a GPA of 2.75 or above, and completed an interview. Students will be required to complete their baccalaureate degree prior to graduation from the DC program.

Required Documents

  • Submission of a completed Campbellsville University application for the DC program.
  •  Submission of official transcripts from all previously attended post-secondary institutions.
  • Two letters of recommendation: 1) from a professor and 2) from a professional.
  •  A one-page personal statement describing intent to pursue the DC degree.
  • Interview with a DCP faculty.
Applications may be submitted at any time and are reviewed continually. The Doctor of Chiropractic program accepts new students at the beginning of each new academic term. Applications are reviewed and interviews scheduled once all materials have been received by the program. In order to register for courses in the desired term of study, the application materials must be processed, and the entrance interview conducted 30 days in advance of the term beginning in the fall, spring, and winter.

Faculty Mentor

Each of the admitted DCP students will be assigned a faculty mentor upon enrollment. The faculty mentor will provide consultation and guidance on program progress and skill development. There will be a ten-to-one student-faculty mentor ratio.

Program Format

The Doctor of Chiropractic program is available in a face-to-face format only and offered at the Harrodsburg campus. Courses are taught in 15-week terms with three start dates per calendar year.
Winter Term: Jan. - April
Spring Term:May - Aug.
Fall Term:Aug./Early Sept. - Dec.
Each course in the DCP has its own method for evaluating student performance. The methods of assessment will be explained to students and included in the written syllabus for the course at the beginning of each course. A student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 throughout the program. All course grades assigned in the program are entered on the student’s official transcript and counted toward the cumulative grade point average. A student may repeat a course in which a grade of C or lower was earned; however, a course may be repeated only once. In cases where a course was repeated, both grades remain on the transcript, but only the last grade will count toward the grade point average. Student academic transcripts are reviewed at the end of each session. A student who fails to maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 will be placed on academic probation and will have one academic term to remove the probationary status or be dismissed from the program. A student will have six years from the date of entry into the program in which to complete all of the requirements for graduation.
A sequenced calendar of courses is recommended and included in the Program Handbook. Students are eligible to begin their clerkships experience after they have successfully completed all requirements through the seventh term.Students desiring part-time study will follow the part-time academic plan designed by their faculty mentor.

Degree / Application for Graduation

All candidates for graduation must complete an application for graduation in accordance with a schedule distributed by the Office of Student Records at the beginning of the term of the school year in which the degree work is to be completed.

Transfer of Graduate Credit

Upon approval of the dean, a maximum of 42 credit hours of graduate course work may be accepted from another CCE accredited institution. Courses to be transferred in must have been taken within the past five years and only courses in which grades of B or higher were earned will be accepted for transfer. Transfer courses are shown on the transcript as “credit” only and are not counted in computing the cumulative grade point average.
Students seeking to transfer course work must submit a written request along with transcripts, university course catalog descriptions, and other course information such as a syllabus or book list to the School of Chiropractic for faculty use in establishing course equivalency.


The DC Degree features a program designed to meet education requirements for licensure in most U.S. states. However, state requirements periodically change therefore if a student is considering working in states other than Kentucky, the student is responsible for seeking and acquiring the respective states’ policies regarding unique licensure needs.
For additional information on the Doctor of Chiropractic Outcomes (Program & Student and DC Program Competencies and Program Behaviors), see the Program Handbook.

