Sep 11, 2024  
2019-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services Information


The Office of Student Services is located at 101 University Drive, across the street from the main campus entrance. The Staff consists of the Dean of Students, Director of Residence Life, Assistant Director of Residence Life, nine Resident Directors, Director of Campus Safety and Security, five full-time and two part-time Campus Safety Officers., Director of Student Activities, Campus Nurse, Coordinator of Summer Camps & Conferences, E. Bruce Heilman Student Center Coordinator, Director of Counseling Services, Clinical Counselor and Secretary to the Dean of Students.

Student Services

The following information is an excerpt from the Campbellsville University Student Handbook. Students are responsible to obtain, familiarize themselves with, and be responsible for the content of the handbook.

Student Services Philosophy

The Office of Student Services staff attempts to facilitate the student’s adjustment to the University environment. The responsibilities of developing the student begin once a student is admitted to Campbellsville University. The registration/orientation sessions held in spring and summer, as well as at the beginning of the semester, serve to acquaint new students with the campus and university life.

The Office of Student Services staff works together with the academic personnel to provide not only a strong knowledge base but opportunities for personal growth and development of our students. A major part of the educational process is learning about self and how to relate to others. With this philosophy, the Office of Student Services provides services to students to enhance the uniqueness of each individual in his/her developmental process.

Student Activities

The mission of the Office of Student Activities is to provide Christ-centered avenues for all students to connect, engage and grow in a manner that holistically develops students to participate in meaningful community, leadership growth, and opportunities to exercise gifts and talents beyond the classroom.

Counseling Services

The mission of the Office of Counseling Services is to provide confidential, professional counseling services in a Christian atmosphere to assist students dealing with emotional, psychological, social and/or spiritual needs.

What kinds of services are offered?

  • Free, confidential, professional counseling for students
  • Experiencing adjustment problems to college life
  • General Anxiety/Depression
  • Grief/Loss
  • Mental health screenings and assessments
  • Substance abuse screenings and assessment
  • Seminars for mental health and substance abuse awareness and coping skills
  • Educational information and resources regarding mental health and substance abuse disorders
  • Referral services

Please call the Office of Counseling Services at (270) 789-5070 for appointments. This office is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday and is located in the Student Services Building.

Health Services

The University Campus Nurse is on duty 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday, during each semester for consultation, treatment and/or referral of students. When the nurse is not available and the student feels that medical attention is needed, local physicians may be contacted in their offices. In case of an emergency, contact Campus Security or the Resident Director. If extreme emergency, call 911 immediately, then notify appropriate Student Services staff. The Dean of Students must be notified immediately.

Student Health Insurance Coverage

All full-time (enrolled in 12 hours or more) student-athletes must provide proof of health insurance coverage by September 1 to the athletic trainer each fall semester they are enrolled in classes. Those students enrolling for the first time in the spring semester must show this proof by Feb. 1. If a student-athlete is covered by parents’/spouse’s insurance, a copy of the insurance card, giving company name, address and policy number is required in the Athletic Trainer’s office. Health insurance is also mandatory for all students enrolled in the Nursing Program as this is a requirement for our clinical sites. International students (residents of other countries whose primary reason for being in the USA is to enroll at Campbellsville University as a student - F-1 visa holder) are required to purchase the health insurance policy arranged through the University.

All other students are encouraged but not required to have health insurance.

Identification Cards

All students must have an ID (identification card) to attend campus activities, to use the swimming pool and Tigers Den, to eat in the Winters Dining Hall and to attend open dorms in the residence halls. ID pictures are made by the Office of Student Services. If a student loses his/her ID, another one can be purchased for $10.00. ID cards are not transferable and will be confiscated if presented by anyone other than the person to whom the card was issued. Students are admitted to most campus activities and events with a valid CU student ID. Resident students must always present their ID before eating in University dining facilities. The Student Government Association and other campus clubs may make nominal charges for events they sponsor.

Enforcement of University Policies and Regulations

The Office of Student Services is responsible for enforcing the policies and regulations for students on campus. When these policies and regulations are broken, disciplinary action is taken. Details of this process can be found under Judicial Council Procedures.

Campus Safety and Security

The Office of Safety and Security consists of the director, several full-time officers, part-time officers and several work-study students. Officers are available seven days a week. This office aids in the enforcement of federal, state, local statutes and University regulations. While Campus Security Officers do not make arrests, they maintain a close working relationship with city, state and county law enforcement. This office strives to provide a safe and secure environment for students, faculty, staff and visitors. In addition, this office is in charge of protecting property, enforcing University policies and maintaining order. Officers lock and unlock buildings, patrol campus grounds, investigate suspicious acts, monitor parking lots, issue parking citations and jumpstart vehicles. This office is located near the main entrance to the University in the Student Services Building and can be reached by calling (270) 403-3611.

CU ALERTS” Emergency Mass Notification System

CU Alerts is the campus emergency alert system that sends out important information that could be vital in keeping you safe. Messages include severe weather information such as a tornado warning for Taylor County, campus lock down procedures, and snow schedules.

The University offers this FREE service to all faculty, staff, coaches, and students. Please understand that the cell phone number you provide the University through the Registrar’s Office (students) or the Personnel Office (faculty, staff, and coaches) will be the cell phone number the alert system will call. At the beginning of each semester, the University uploads, or “opts-in”, all current faculty, staff, coaches, and students into the system to maintain an accurate and updated list of users and numbers. You do not have to sign up for this free service because we automatically provide it for you! If you decide to “opt-out” of this service or if your cell phone number changes within the semester, you can call the Office of Campus Safety and Security at (270) 789-5556 or come by our offices located in the Office of Student Services.

Parking Pass

The Office of Student Services issues a parking pass to all administrative personnel, faculty, staff and students, free of charge, at the beginning of each fall semester or at such time as they become a member of the University family. To park on University property, this parking pass must hang on your rear view mirror. This is vehicle registration for cars, trucks and motorcycles.

Campers and camping trailers are not permitted on campus. Students are permitted to park on campus during semesters. Abandoned vehicles, including those inoperable, may be towed at owner’s expense.

Designated Parking

Designated parking will be limited to marked spaces reserved for the handicapped, campus visitors, unloading zones, the University President, Residence Hall Directors, Campus Security, service vehicles, post office, Chick-fil-A® Express and Starbucks®.

Food Service Policies

The University contracts food service through Pioneer College Caterers Inc. Employees prepare three meals each weekday, and two on Saturday and Sunday in the Winters Dining Hall during regular semesters. The Director of Food Services for Pioneer College Caterers works in cooperation with the Office of Student Services in providing food service requests to the campus.

Residence Hall Guideline

All full-time Campbellsville University students must live in one of the University residence halls unless they are classified as a commuter (definition below). If the student is not classified as a commuter, they can request permission to live off campus and must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be in good social standing with the University, having no current or prior semester judicial offenses, having a 2.5 GPA, as well as meeting ONE of the following conditions:
    • Be 22 years old or older.
    • Have completed 80 semester hours prior to the semester he/she is requesting to move off campus.
    • Or be a veteran of the U.S. military service.

A resident student is defined as a full-time student between the ages 17-24 who lives in University campus housing. A commuter student is defined as a student who is a dependent of a parent or legal guardian with whom he/she has physical residence, living within a 70-mile radius of Campbellsville University’s main campus.

English as a Second Language (ESL) students are not eligible to live off campus unless they are age 24 or older.

If a resident student discovers that she is pregnant, the University wants to provide her with support and resources to ensure the health of both the mother-to-be and the baby. Therefore, it is imperative that the mother-to-be inform the residence life staff as soon as the pregnancy is determined. The mother-to-be will be provided with the full support of the University’s resources to find suitable off-campus housing that both protects her and the baby and enables her to continue her education as long as possible. It is best that the transition to off-campus living is accomplished by the end of the second trimester of the pregnancy.

Room Assignments

Room assignments are made by the residence hall staff with some priority given to previous occupants and in order of receipt of room requests. The contractual statement of the application must be signed and constitutes a binding agreement between the student and the University. Written request for specific room and roommates are honored whenever possible. THE UNIVERSITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ASSIGN ROOMS ACCORDING TO THE BEST INTEREST OF THE STUDENT AND THE UNIVERSITY. Requests for private rooms are honored only if space is available. In most cases, the student who has lived in the room for the longest period will have priority in assignment of that room. The cost for a private room is an additional $500 per semester.

Personal Appearance/Dress on Campus

As a private Christ-centered university, the students at Campbellsville University are expected to display maturity in selecting a style of dress consistent with the purpose and mission of the institution.

  • In the Chapel, students are expected to dress in a manner reflecting the unique atmosphere of the chapel service they are attending. Hats are prohibited from being worn in Chapel services.
  • In the classroom, students should dress in a manner that reflects an attitude toward learning and scholarly pursuit on a Christ-centered university campus.
  • Students should wear the appropriate attire for athletic and recreational activities. Men are expected to wear shirts at all times.

Care of Rooms

Each student is responsible for the care and cleanliness of his/her room/bathroom. He/she is responsible for keeping wastebaskets emptied, beds made and floors clean. In South Hall East Complex, Broadway Hall and Residence Villages, occupants are responsible for keeping their bathrooms clean and providing their own cleaning supplies. There will be an announced weekly room check. Fines will be assessed if room/bathroom is not satisfactorily clean. At the end of the semester, students will be charged a minimum fine of $50.00 for cleaning if rooms are not left reasonably clean.

The large trash cans located in the community bathrooms in Stapp Hall, North Hall, and South Hall West are for bathroom trash only. Each student is responsible for taking their own trash from their residence hall room to the closest dumpster.

The following electrical appliances are not allowed in residence hall rooms because of fire and safety hazards as determined by the Fire Marshal: electric skillets, grills (electric or non-electric), hot plates, toasters or broilers, space heaters and live or artificial Christmas trees with strands of electrical lights (only battery operated Christmas lights are allowed). Anything with an open heat surface is prohibited. Hoverboards and chargers are strictly prohibited in the dorms. Neither candles nor incense are allowed in residence hall rooms.

Small refrigerators (approximately 1-3 cubic feet), microwaves, TVs, stereos, computers, etc. are permitted in individual rooms. Power strips and surge protectors for these additional appliances are recommended.

It is prohibited to use nails, colored plastic, screws, Magic Mounts®, tape or glue on walls, doors or furniture. Only poster putty is approved for use.

Keeping in mind CU is a Christian university, sexually provocative pictures (including calendars) are not to hang in the rooms or on the doors of the rooms. Decorative alcoholic beverage containers or posters/advertisements are not allowed. The appropriateness of these items will be determined by the Residence Hall Director or Residence Life Staff. Violation of this guideline will result in having items described above confiscated.

The blinds or drapes in individual rooms are to be closed at dark. Only fireproof curtains/drapes are to be used on the room windows according to fire marshal standards.

Lost and Found

Any article found in the residence hall should be turned in to the Residence Hall Director. Found articles may be claimed upon presentation of proper identification of the article and evidence of ownership. Lost articles found on campus should be turned in to the Office of Student Services.


Students can have bicycles on campus. Students are responsible for locking/securing their bikes on campus bike racks ONLY. Bicycles parked in unauthorized areas will be removed by the Office of Campus Safety/Security. Bicycles NOT claimed by the end of the spring semester will be considered abandoned property.

Skateboards, Scooters, Hoverboards and Rollerblades

For the safety of all students, the use of skateboards, scooters, hoverboards and rollerblades is strictly prohibited on any surfaces other than public streets and sidewalks. Any surfaces owned by Campbellsville University are restricted from use of these modes of transportation. This includes all sidewalks and paved areas within the Campbellsville University campus.


Overnight guests must be pre-approved and registered with the Residence Hall Director at least 24 hours before they arrive.

Failure to register visitors with the Residence Hall Director or having a visitor more than three consecutive nights will result in a $50.00 fine plus the $25.00 overnight charge. Guests are expected to observe residence hall regulations. The CU student guests will be responsible for their own behavior and any infractions of University regulations. The CU student is responsible for the behavior of the non-student guest, including the serving of penalties for any infractions committed by the non-student guest. Children under 16 years of age are not allowed to stay overnight. Parents must give written consent to assume all responsibility when children are visiting on campus. Residents’ parents and family members may visit in restricted areas of housing, after checking in with the residence hall director first.

No guest may stay more than three nights consecutively in the residence halls.

Use of guest privileges must always consider the rights of your roommate and careful consideration must be shown for their property, privacy and convenience. A host is always responsible for the behavior of a guest at all times and must inform guests of University policies. Should a problem occur, the visitation privilege of a guest may be terminated immediately.

Tobacco-Free/Smoke-Free Campus

Campbellsville University realizes the health risks involved in smoking and use of tobacco products. Therefore, in compliance with federal guidelines for a smoke-free environment, smoking and use of tobacco products are strictly prohibited in all residence halls and campus buildings and grounds. Violators will be subject to residence hall/judicial sanctions.

Tobacco use by definition includes the possession of any lighted tobacco products, or the use of any type of smokeless tobacco, including but not limited to chew, snuff, dip, electronic cigarettes, and all other nicotine delivery devices that are non-FDA approved as cessation products.

Fire Protection Equipment

Planned fire drills will be conducted periodically for the safety of the residents. Fire equipment is located in the residence halls or emergency use only. Any person who tampers with or handles any part of the fire alarm or firefighting equipment other than for legitimate fire protection will be fined $500.00. All members of a group will be charged for damages resulting from group action. Charges will be made to the occupants of that area if the responsible party is not identified.

When a fire alarm sounds in the residence halls, it automatically alerts the local fire department. Fire officials will come on campus, evacuate the building and search for a possible fire. Houses and other campus buildings must be called in by dialing 911 immediately at the sound of the fire alarm.

In addition to the University’s policy regarding false fire alarms, a full investigation may be performed by the Fire Department Officials as they deem necessary. This act (false fire alarm) is covered by the Kentucky Revised Statues 508.080, which is a Class D misdemeanor.

Residence Hall Citations

Citations are given for minor offenses that occur in the residence halls to discourage inappropriate behavior. The citations may be given by Residence Assistants and/or the Residence Hall Director. With the first offense a verbal warning will be given; after two offenses, a fine of $25.00 will be issued; a third offense within the same semester will result in a $50.00 fine. With a fourth offense, the student will appear before the Residence Life Staff, and a possible $100.00 fine could be sanctioned.

Offenses for which citations may be given include:

  • Failure to pass weekly room check by Resident Assistant.
  • Missed floor or residence hall meeting.

Major offenses are subject to immediate action by the Office of Student Services as outlined in the Philosophy of Behavior.


Talking to individuals outside through residence hall windows can be disturbing to other residents. Students are not permitted to sit on ledges or windowsills; students may not throw objects out of windows or at a building; and students may not use windows as a means of entry or as a place to gain someone’s attention. Talking to anyone from your window is not permitted from dark until noon each day. For cosmetic purposes, nothing is permitted to be hung in the windows.

Residence Halls Closed Between Semesters

Students will not be allowed to stay in the residence halls during Christmas break (between fall and spring semesters), spring break, or between summer school and the fall semester (end of July to the third week of August). Special permission must be obtained from the Director of Residence Life two weeks prior to closing to remain in residence halls during these times. A fee of $130 per week, if enrolled in classes, or $185 per week, if not enrolled in classes, will be charged to the student’s account. All belongings must be removed from residence hall rooms after the spring semester and summer sessions to allow for adequate cleaning and use by other groups. Storage facilities are not provided during the break periods. The Winters Dining Hall will be closed and students will be responsible for their meals during these interims.

Student-athletes or international students needing to stay additional days past the end of semesters or return early before residence halls officially open must:

Student-Athletes → have their coach submit a written request to the Office of Student Services ten days prior to the additional days needed to stay in the residence halls.

International students → submit written request to their Resident Hall Director ten days prior to the days needed to stay in the residence halls.

Unauthorized Solicitation and Selling

Any form of unauthorized selling or solicitation or door-to-door distribution of materials, including surveys, questionnaires, etc., is not allowed. Student organizations must obtain permission from the Office of Student Services to sponsor a fundraiser.

Approval from the Vice President for Development is also needed to conduct a fundraiser in the community. No student is allowed to use University property/facilities to conduct private business enterprises.

Television Service

Cable TV hookups are in each room of the Residence Halls and campus student housing. Each resident student has accessibility to the basic/HD cable channels through Comcast Cable Co. Listings of the available cable channels and weekly programming are printed in Monday’s edition of the local newspaper, “The Central Kentucky News-Journal.”

Included in the cable channels is Channel 10, WLCU which is operated by the University. It provides a variety of campus programming and is a national affiliate of The Walk TV.

A service available to students and the campus community is a campus bulletin board, the University and Community Channel. The bulletin board is broadcast on Comcast Cable Channel 22 across the campus and Campbellsville area. It features information pertaining to daily campus and community events, snow days, canceled classes, sports scores, etc. Facilities for this service are in the Office of Broadcast Services with operation under the same supervision as WLCU. To submit items, email or send to UPO 803.

Residence Hall Telephone Service

The University does not provide telephone service in Residence Hall rooms and/or common areas any longer. A landline phone is provided in each Resident Hall Director’s apartment and/or Resident Hall Director’s office. These phones are utilized for emergency calls by dialing 911. All students, faculty, staff, and coaches are encouraged to call 911 if they are in imminent danger or have a life-threatening emergency; otherwise, they are to call Campus Safety/Security office at (270) 403-3611.



Substance Abuse: Prevention and Intervention Policy Statement

As a Christian institution of higher education, Campbellsville University complies with the federal regulations regarding the Drug-Free Workplace Requirements and, therefore, prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance on its campus and with University-sponsored classes, events and activities. Therefore, the use of alcohol, narcotic drugs and other mind-altering drugs can be detrimental to the health of individual members of the University community, such use is in direct violation of the standards of the University. This policy applies to students, faculty, staff, coaches, and administration.

Policy on AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)

Campbellsville University is committed to providing students, faculty, staff, and coaches with a comprehensive educational program concerning AIDS, based upon currently available medical information.

Campbellsville University shall treat AIDS the same way as any other disease that may be contracted. Victims of AIDS or other diseases will be permitted to work and/or enroll in courses unless the student or staff member’s personal physician or state or federal public health officials declare that the disease represents a substantial risk to the health and safety of other members of the community. In such instances, appropriate measures will be taken to protect the institution and the individual.

Legal and ethical considerations oppose the adoption of any policies or courses of actions which would deny ordinary privileges and rights, including privacy, to students, faculty, coaches or staff members who are known or suspected to be infected with the AIDS virus.

Students, faculty, staff, and coaches identified as HIV infected or having AIDS or an AIDS-related complex or any other communicable disease will not be barred from working, teaching, attending classes or participating in University-sponsored activities unless the appropriate vice president, in consultation with the individual’s personal physician or state health department official, determines that he/she presents a clear and present danger to the public health. All such decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis, will remain open to re-examination considering new information, and will consider facts such as the individual’s state of health and occupation.

The identity of the individual having AIDS or an AIDS-related complex will remain confidential. No specific or detailed information concerning individual patient’s medical condition will be released to the public. If a personal physician or state health department official determines that an individual’s medical condition represents a public health hazard and warrants limitation of activities, only essential administrative personnel will be informed on a need-to-know basis.

Custodial staff and food service workers will follow the guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control for the prevention of transmission of AIDS and other communicable diseases.

Sexual Misconduct Policy

The School prohibits all forms of sexual discrimination, including sexual misconduct. The School is committed to addressing sexual misconduct in a manner consistent with applicable law. A notice of the School’s policy of nondiscrimination shall be widely disseminated on the School’s campus to students, employees, applicants for admission and applications for employment. The notice shall specifically state that (a) the School does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its education programs and activities, (b) the School is required by Title IX not to discriminate in such a manner, and (c) questions concerning Title IX may be referred to the School’s Title IX Coordinator or to the Office of Civil Rights at the United States Department of Education. The notice of non-discrimination shall state the name or title, office address, telephone number and email address of the School’s Title IX Coordinator.

Specifically, it is the policy of the School that designated staff members take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate or otherwise determine what happened when the School knows or reasonably should know of possible sexual misconduct. When sexual misconduct is determined to have occurred, the School shall take prompt and effective steps reasonably calculated to end the sexual misconduct, eliminate the hostile environment, prevent its recurrence, and, as appropriate, remedy its effects. All complaints shall be processed in accordance with the procedures established in this policy.

It is also the policy of the School to protect any student filing a complaint alleging sexual misconduct and to ensure the student’s safety as necessary, including taking interim steps to protect the student prior to the final outcome of any investigation. It is the School’s duty under Title IX to resolve complaints promptly and equitably and to provide a safe and nondiscriminatory environment for all students, free from sexual harassment and sexual misconduct. This duty also applies to complaints involving parties of the same sex, and it requires the School to use the same procedures and standards used in all complaints involving sexual misconduct.

Inappropriate conduct by School personnel toward students is prohibited, and School policies shall identify procedures for identifying and responding to inappropriate conduct by School personnel. (See CU Title IX Grievance Procedure Policy)

Philosophy of Behavior

Campbellsville University was founded with the goal of providing a quality education along with Christian values. Learning, we believe, best takes place where student, faculty and staff are guided by Christ-like concern and behavior. Moral and ethical integrity are essential to the environment the University seeks to uphold. All who work, study and learn at Campbellsville University have the responsibility to affirm the value of and work toward the maintenance of a peaceful and purposeful community.

The University is committed to remaining Christ centered, church connected, Baptist related and committed to changing lives, yet it is a nonsectarian institution that is committed to integrating Christian faith and learning. Many religious denominations and faiths are represented on campus. However, it is the responsibility of the entire community to be sympathetic to the stated mission, goals and behavior expectations of the University.

Student Behavioral Expectations

A student attends Campbellsville University voluntarily and is expected for the sake of the community to conduct himself or herself with a high standard of personal behavior on and off campus. A student whose conduct violates stated behavior expectations faces specific disciplinary sanctions.

Behavior expectations are clustered around the following individual and community values: worth of the individual, self-discipline, academic integrity and respect for property, the environment and community authority.

Worth of the Individual

Each person in our community intrinsically is a person of worth. The University values behavior that appreciates the cultural backgrounds of fellow students and respects the right of persons to hold differing attitudes and opinions. The value of the worth of individuals can be violated by behaviors such as harassment and indecent and lewd conduct.


Each person has the God-given capacity for developing one’s self fully as an individual. The University values behavior that leads to the physical, intellectual, spiritual, social and emotional well-being of the individual. Indecent and lewd conduct, gambling, disorderly conduct, manufacturing, possessing, consuming or distributing alcohol or other controlled substance, and intoxication are examples of behaviors which violate the value of self-discipline.

Academic Integrity

Each person has the privilege and responsibility to develop one’s learning abilities, knowledge base and practical skills. The University values behavior that leads a student to take credit for one’s own academic accomplishments and to give credit to other’s contributions to one’s course work. These values can be violated by academic dishonesty and fraud.

Respect for University Property and the Environment

Each person has the duty to treat with care and respect one’s own property, the property of others and University property. The University values behavior that recognizes the rights and privileges of owning and using personal and institutional property. Stealing and being in possession of stolen or lost property, vandalism, setting a fire and arson, tampering with fire and safety equipment, possessing firearms or weapons on campus, possessing and using fireworks on campus and unauthorized entry are examples of behaviors which violate the value of property and the environment.

Respect for Campus Community Authority

Each person recognizes that codes of conduct are necessary for prosperous and peaceful community life. The University values behavior that abides by and shows respect for the authorities that administer the rules, regulations and laws of the campus, city, state and community and as citizens of the community beyond our campus. The value of respect for community authority is violated by possessing, consuming, and/or distributing alcoholic beverages; intoxication; possessing, using and/or distributing illegal drugs; sexual misconduct; aiding, abetting or conspiring to engage in value violations; violating residence hall visitation guidelines; reckless behavior; fighting; lewd and indecent conduct; insubordination; unauthorized and/or unruly demonstrations; driving while impaired; habitually offending motor vehicle rules and regulations; creating a nuisance by talking, yelling, singing, playing a musical instrument, electronic device, etc. loudly enough to disturb members of the University community and committing a city, state or federal offense.

The Judicial Council

The Judicial Council shall be a nine-member impartial body consisting of one Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices. The nine-member committee shall be comprised of faculty and staff of Campbellsville University. The Judicial Council committee will be appointed by the Vice President for Athletics/Student Services.

The ruling of the Judicial Council shall be determined by a simple majority of the nine justices. The Council may meet and hear a case with only a quorum (five members) present. A judgment requires a majority vote. If a clear majority is unreachable, then the case must be dismissed and all charges against the student must be dropped.

The University President, or in the absence of the University President, the Dean of Students has the power to impose a temporary immediately suspension when evidence exists that the student’s behavior, on or off campus, may be a threat to the health, safety and/or welfare of the students, faculty, staff or guests of the university. Temporary immediate suspension will include restriction from campus, denial to attend classes, and participation in other academic or extracurricular activities. A temporary-immediate suspension by the University President, or in the absence of the University President, the Dean of Students, is non-appealable until such time that the University President deems that the threat imposed by the student is eliminated and the student’s temporary-immediate suspension is adjudicated.

Grievance Policy

If an individual has a grievance, they should complete a written claim by logging into the TigerNet system and going to the Academic Affairs tab. The official university grievance form is on the bottom right side. Once the grievance is filed, the student will receive an initial written response or follow up questions through their Campbellsville University student email account. The Office of Student Services will review all student service related grievances and respond accordingly.

Student Activities

The mission of the Office of Student Activities is to provide Christ-centered avenues for all students to connect, engage and grow in a manner that holistically develops students to participate in meaningful community, leadership growth, and opportunities to exercise gifts and talents beyond the classroom.

Student Activity Center (SAC)

This facility is for the use of Campbellsville University students, faculty, staff and sponsored guests. Guests must be accompanied by a member of the University family. The facility will be used to meet the many needs and interests of the University in the following areas: recreation/intramurals, student community space, University functions, academics and special interest group functions.

This building houses the Director of Student Activities and Intramurals, Assistant Director of Activities and the Department of Campus Safety and Security. Faculty/staff are encouraged to participate in the student activities and intramural programs. The Student Activities Center (SAC) is located next to the Administration Building. The mail floor is the gym area and atrium. The lower floor includes the Tigers’ Den and the office of the Director of Student Activities and Intramurals. Reservations for the Student Activity Center Facility can be made by completing an Event Registration form available on TigerNet.

Information concerning current and upcoming events can be located on the Campus Calendar, university app and Student life social media accounts: Instagram (@CUStudentlife), Facebook (Campbellsville University Student Life) and Twitter (@CUStudentlife) pages.