Degree offered at: Campbellsville, Elizabethtown, Harrodsburg, Owensboro, Somerset, Available Online
The Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to work with young children in inclusive settings, families, and community support agencies in a diverse society. This non-certification program prepares graduates for an array of careers including Head Start, Child Care programs, First Steps, HANDS, ECE-TRIS.
Kentucky Childcare Commonwealth Credential receives credit for ECE 111 and the Child Development Associate (CDA) receives credit for ECE 111 and ECE 140. A copy of credentials must be provided to Advisor and the Registrar’s Office. ECE 111, ECE 140, IEC 475, and BA 313 are required for a Kentucky Director’s Credential that is awarded by the Governor’s Office for Early Childhood, Cabinet for Families and Children.