Oct 18, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Administrative Policies


CU Credit Hour Policy

Credit-hour programs:
Academic credit is a measure for the amount of engaged learning time expected of a typical student enrolled not only in traditional classroom settings but also laboratories, studies, internships and other experiential learning, and distance and correspondence education. Campbellsville University defines one academic credit hour using the “Federal Definition of the Credit Hour: A credit hour is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally established equivalency that reasonably approximates:
1. Not less than one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester hour credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time. Normally, one credit hour associated with a class meeting for 50 minutes per week for an entire semester (or the equivalent 750 semester-minutes)
2. At least an equivalent amount of work as required outlined in item 1 above for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practical, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours (that each in-class hour of college work should require two hours of preparation or other outside work).”
3. Academic technology may be used to replace face to-face class meetings in full or in part. Credit hours for all modalities are based on equivalent student learning outcomes
Instructional Modality
Face-to-face - These classes require no virtual meeting as a regular part of the class. These classes are designed to meet in a physical location for all class sessions. Exceptions may be made for continuing classes during inclement weather, pandemics, or other extenuating circumstances.
Online - These classes require no face-to-face meetings in a physical location.
Blended - These classes are designed to require some portion of the class face-to-face in a physical location and some portion of the class to be conducted online but do not meet the criteria for hybrid.
Hybrid - These classes are designed to be a minimum of 20% face-to-face and the remaining instructional time can be distributed between face-to-face and online. 
Zero-Credit Courses
A zero-credit course may be approved through the curriculum approval process if one of the following conditions are met:
  • The course is largely experiential in nature such as an independent study or practical experience and the course is a focused area of study or creative expression.
  • The course represents continuation of work on a dissertation or thesis.
  • The course is a mode of enrollment for students completing work in other courses where an Incomplete (I) grade was recorded and who need access to university resources
Any proposal for a zero-credit course must include the following:
  1. Statement of the student learning outcomes and required time and effort.
  2. Justification for why earning zero credits is appropriate
  3. Statement and justification for the grading options for the course 
  1. Students in zero-credit hour courses are subject to the time limit for degree completion as determined by their program.
  2. This policy applies to all programs at all levels, locations, and modalities.
  3. Repetition of the course over multiple semesters is permitted.
  4. The requirements for approval of zero-credit courses do not apply to courses that are approved credit-bearing courses which students take as auditors.
Clock-Hour Programs:
Consideration for total hours of technical education programs at Campbellsville University is based upon the requirements by any state and national accrediting bodies that are pertinent to each individual program curriculum matrix or the minimum number of clock-hours to cover materials necessary for licensure. Examples of individual program requirements are didactic course work, lab competency skills, clinical externship hours, and certification testing reviews. These areas are necessary to meet training needs for licensure.

Intellectual Property Policy

University employees and students are encouraged to publish, copyright, invent, and patent materials/ objects of their own creation that will contribute to the advancement of knowledge. The University shall encourage this and shall protect the interest of its personnel and students in relation to disclosure of scientific and technological developments, including inventions, discoveries, trade secrets, computer software, and original works and ideas which may have monetary value. The University shall ensure that public and University funds and property are not used for personal gain. The author, creator, or inventor is free to benefit from royalties and monies accruing form such publication or invention subject the following guidelines:

  1. All classes of intellectual property, scientific and technological developments, materials or objects created on the employee’s or students’ own time, and without the use of University facilities, equipment, materials, or support, shall be the sole property of the creator.
  2. Materials or objects created by employees and students at University expense or on University equipment shall be the property of the University. The University, in return for unrestricted license to use and reproduce original work without royalty payment, shall transfer to the creator of that work full ownership of any present or subsequent copyright/patent in accordance with the following paragraph.
  3. In the event that materials or objects are sold to entities outside the University, all income shall go to the University until all developmental expenditures incurred by the University for that project, including stipends paid to the developer I(over an above contract salary), prorated support, salaries, supplies, and other expenses related to the creation of the materials or objects, area recovered. Thereafter, all remunerations as a result of copyright publication or patented sale shall go to the creator(s) of the materials or objects.
  4. The University shall ensure equity and management participation on the part of the inventor or inventors in business entities that utilize technology created at the institution of higher education.
  5. No University employees or student shall realize a profit from materials sold exclusively to Campbellsville University students.
  6. When instructional materials developed by the faculty is sold in the Bookstore for a profit, the publisher of the material must be approved by the Administrative Council.
  7. All projects funded by the Appalachian College Association (ACA) will confirm to the ACA Intellectual property Policy, namely, “to encourage proposals and practices that promise to yield products for a broad public use and to discourage those that involve or promote proprietary interest except to the extent that a charitable end may also be served.” All products developed with ACA funds shall remain the property of Campbellsville University and ACA of if other colleges or universities area involved in the project, ACA shall retain ownership.

Any University employee who intends to create materials or objects developed wholly or partially using University time, equipment, materials, or facilities, and who intends to copyright, patent, or otherwise merchandise those materials or objects will inform the University President through the appropriate Vice President of that intent. The University will initiate an institutional review of scientific and technological disclosures, including consideration of ownership and appropriate legal protection. The President reserves the right to have final approval of the outcome of the review prior to initiation of any work which involves the use of University resources. No properties are excluded from consideration under this policy.

Licensing authority shall rest with the Board.

Personnel of divisions or units whose function is to produce educational materials may not realize a profit from the sale of those materials. In the case of materials produced exclusively by these units, copyright will be held by Campbellsville University. Materials produced under an externally funded grant will be guided by the terms of the grant.

An inventor is not granted any right to share in equity resulting from his or her invention and is not granted any right to participate in the management of a business related to the development of his or her intellectual property.

Student Complaint Process

All student complaints or grievances must be submitted in written form. Campbellsville University has implemented an online filing system through PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) technology to help streamline the process and make it more user friendly for students. Students are able to access the grievance form after logging into the Jenzabar Internet Campus Solution (JICS), known as TigerNet to the campus community. This authenticates the identity of the person filing the complaint. The location of the form also makes it readily accessible to all students including those enrolled online and at off-site locations. Each time new complaints are filed, automatically generated emails inform the students that they will be contacted about their grievance within 30 days. The PHP file will automatically data dump the pertinent information into a complaint log housed on a protected University server accessible only to the Grievance Reporting Committee (GRC). Once the student complaint has been filed, the committee is notified. The GRC consists of a representative from Office of Academic Affairs, Office of Student Services, and Department of Athletics. After the GRC receives an email about the grievance being logged, the committee forwards the information to the appropriate committee, office, or campus employee who handles the particular complaint. Each committee member has a copy of the grievance subcommittee datasheet to help direct the complaint to the appropriate office or committee that has jurisdiction over the grievance. All grievances are handled in accordance with the governing handbooks (Administrative Policy and Procedures Manual, Student Handbook, Undergraduate Catalog, etc.). After the GRC handles the routing of the grievance, the process outlined in the University materials is followed. This process holds the same for students across the academic enterprise and all modalities. Online, regional center and campus students all have access to the JICS portal and are able to log in and follow the same grievance process. All student grievances are handled in an expeditious and professional manner. The resolution to the complaint is entered in the complaint log.