Degree offered at: Campbellsville, Elizabethtown, Owensboro, Somerset, Harrodsburg, Available Online
The Montessori Method is a child-centered, scientifically based, educational program designed by Dr. Maria Montessori. It is a discovery oriented learning program that emphasizes hands on, collaborative exploration within beautifully prepared classroom environments that support the development of the whole child. Our Montessori course content covers child growth and development; education and service requirements for children with exceptionalities; assessment, curriculum, and instruction; the prepared learning environment; collaboration; and professionalism.
Kentucky Childcare Commonwealth Credential receives credit for ECE 111 and the Child Development Associate (CDA) receives credit for ECE 111 and ECE 140. A copy of credentials must be provided to Advisor and the Registrar’s Office. ECE 111, ECE 140, IEC 475, and BA 313 are required for a Kentucky Director’s Credential that is awarded by the Governor’s Office for Early Childhood, Cabinet for Families and Children.