Oct 17, 2024  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Regulations

Unit of Academic Credit

The University operates on the semester system. All academic credit for satisfactory work is given on the basis of the (approximate) 16-week semester. A one semester hour of credit consists of one 50-minute period of recitation or two 50-minute periods of laboratory each week.

Grading System

The quality of a student’s academic work is indicated by letter grades on a quality point system that determines the grade point average on the 4.0 scale. An explanation of the grades used, the scale, and how grades are calculated follow.

Letter Grade Definitions

Letter Grade Definition Quality Points per Semester Hour
A Excellent 4
B Good 3
C Average 2
D Lowest Passing Grade 1
F Failure 0
I Incomplete 0
NR Not Reported 0
S Satisfactory 0
U Unsatisfactory 0
W Withdraw 0
WA Withdraw - Absence 0
WN Withdraw - Never Attended 0
X Final Exam Missed 0

Grade “A” represents a work of definitely superior quality. It is distinctly the honor mark.

Grade “B” indicates a higher level of performance than is the satisfactory performance required for a “C” grade. It indicates effective capacity and initiative on the part of the student to do work over and above acceptable course requirements.

Grade “C” represents a satisfactory level of performance on the part of the student. This level of performance can be expected from any student of normal ability who devotes an average amount of time, effort, and attention to the work of the course.

Grade “D” indicates below standard performance. It indicates work which in one or more aspects falls below the minimum accepted standard, but which is of sufficient quality to be counted toward meeting graduation requirements provided it is balanced by superior work in other courses.

Grade “F” indicates an unacceptable level of performance. It indicates work in which several aspects fall below the minimum acceptable standard, work which is not of sufficient quality or quantity to be counted toward meeting graduation requirements.

Grade “I” is assigned to a student when the course requirements are not completed due to illness, accident, death in the immediate family, or other verifiable, extenuating circumstances. The course requirements to change the “I” grade must be completed within 12 months from the
time it was awarded. It is the student’s responsibility to complete requirements within the 12 month period. It is the professor’s responsibility to change the grade by filling out the proper forms in the Registrar’s Office.

Grade “NR” indicates a grade has not been reported by the professor, no quality points are recorded.

Grade “S” indicates satisfactory work, but no quality points are recorded.

Grade “U” indicates unsatisfactory work and no quality points are recorded.

Grade “W” indicates official withdrawal from the course or University through the 12th week for the regular semester. The withdraw date is prorated for other terms.

Grade “WA” indicates official withdrawal due to excessive absences. Impacts GPA as does the grade of “F.”

Grade “WN” indicates official withdrawal due to never attended, no quality points are recorded.

Grade “X” indicates that the student was absent from examinations. The grade of “X” may be changed by special examination within one month after the student re-enters the University, provided the vice president for academic affairs and the instructor concerned give permission for the examination; otherwise, it becomes a failing grade.

Quality Points

Each letter grade (A, B, C, D, F, and WA) has a numeric point value, called “quality points.” (See the Letter Grade Definitions table above.) These points, combined with credit hours, determine the Grade Point Average. This applies to a single course, a term, and an academic career.

An explanation of how quality points are used in the grade point average calculation appears below.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

The grade point average is the calculated value that determines and indicates a student’s academic standing.

The term or career grade point average (GPA) of a student at Campbellsville University is calculated only on the basis of grades of A, B, C, D, F, and WA. Letter grades are not weighted, meaning “plus/minus” do not affect the number of quality points. Grades I, S, U, W, WN, and X are not included in the calculation of the term or career grade point average, although those grades are included as total hours attempted.*

Formula to Compute Grade Point Average (GPA)

Quality Points ÷ GPA Hours Attempted = GPA

“GPA Hours Attempted” refers to those in which the grade impacts the GPA (A, B, C, D, F, or WA).

Recording of Grades

All grades for coursework, including midterm and final grades, are available to students online via TigerNet.

Grade Changes

Grade changes are made by the course instructor who submits appropriate documentation to the Registrar’s Office.

Reporting Grades to Students

Final grades are available to students online via TigerNet the week following final exams.

Academic Appeal and Complaint Process:

A student may appeal the fairness of any academic action or register a complaint, including a course grade, to the Academic Council following consultation with his/her advisor, the professor, and the appropriate department chair and/or the dean. Such an appeal must be submitted in writing to the vice president for academic affairs by end of the regular semester after the semester in which the action was taken. The Academic Council will then determine whether a hearing is necessary. The decision of the Academic Council is final. Student complaints other than appeals for course grades should be submitted in writing to the vice president for academic affairs. When the complaint is against the vice president for academic affairs, it should be submitted in writing to the president of the University.

Minimum Required Grade Point Averages

A minimum grade-point average of 2.0 is required for a student to graduate from Campbellsville University. A student must have a minimum grade point average of 2.1 in areas of concentration, majors, minors, and fields of specialization for all degrees granted. Students interested in teacher preparation must have a 2.75 GPA to be admitted to the Educator Preparation Program and must graduate with an overall 2.75 cumulative GPA. See the School of Education section for complete requirements.

Academic Honors

The University recognizes academic excellence at the career level by granting academic distinction at the annual commencement ceremony and at the semester level by awarding academic honors to such students. Each level of academic honor is described below.

Academic Distinction - Career Recognition

Honor Level Required GPA
 Summa Cum Laude  3.85 or higher
 Magna Cum Laude  3.70 - 3.84
 Cum Laude  3.50 - 3.69

The grade point average (GPA) of a transfer student must meet the above criteria in each of two ways:

  1. The combined average of academic work at all institutions, including Campbellsville University, must meet the criteria.
  2. The average of academic work at Campbellsville University alone must meet the criteria. This does not apply to direct-transfer students. Students, however, must earn a minimum of 55 semester hours in residence at Campbellsville University without any grades of “I” (Incomplete).

Academic Honors - Semester Recognition

President’s List - Students achieving a grade point average (GPA) of 4.0 for any semester on a course load of at least 12 hours of GPA courses are honored by being placed on the President’s Honors List for that semester. No student with an “I”, “NR”, or “X” grade will be placed on the President’s Honors List.

Dean’s List - Students achieving a grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 or above for any semester on a course load of at least 12 hours of GPA courses are honored by being placed on the Dean’s Honors List for that semester. No student with an “I”, “NR”, or “X” grade will be placed on the Dean’s Honors List.

The Office of University Communications submits honors lists as press releases to media outlets in students’ hometowns after each semester.

Academic Standing

The University recognizes three general levels of academic standing: Good Standing, Academic Probation, and Academic Suspension. Each level is described below.

Academic Good Standing

A student must maintain a minimum grade point average to be in good standing. The GPA required is determined by the number of full-time semesters completed.

Number of Semesters Completed GPA Required for Satisfactory (Good) Standing
1 1.60 or higher
2 1.80 or higher
3 and Above 2.00 or higher

Academic Probation

The student who does not maintain the minimum GPA for good standing is placed on academic probation. Academic performance is then checked after the probationary semester to see if the minimum GPA has been obtained. The student may be continued on academic probation for three
semesters before the student is suspended.

A student failing to meet the standing required for his/her classification is placed on academic probation for the following semester.

A student may be asked to withdraw from the University for one semester if after one semester all courses are failed or if it is apparent that the student has little chance of attaining Good Standing at the end of the next semester.

A statement governing the extent of involvement in on-campus and off-campus activities and classes by the student on academic probation is printed in the Student Handbook.

Probationary Load

A student on academic probation will be limited to a maximum 13 credit hours course load. Unless instructed otherwise by the academic advisor, the student must include in the course load the courses which need to be repeated in order to improve academic standing (GPA).

Academic Suspension

The student who remains on academic probation for three semesters will face suspension. The student who fails all courses the first semester of full-time enrollment will face suspension. Additional circumstances involving continued poor academic performance may lead to suspension
as well.

Suspension does not apply to the summer term which provides the student an opportunity to attain Good Standing.

The student on academic suspension is granted one appeal to the Academic Council for reinstatement. If the appeal is granted, the student is placed on academic probation for one semester and must complete a minimum of 12 hours with a 2.0 GPA. Other conditions may be placed upon the reinstated student. After a one-semester suspension, the student may apply for readmission to the University. Readmission must be approved by the Admissions Committee.

International Students (F-1 visa holders) who are suspended will also have their SEVIS Record / I-20 terminated and will need to make arrangements to regain/maintain their status. Please note, that if F-1 visa holders have their SEVIS record terminated they begin accumulating illegal presence days in the USA, which has a direct impact in future visa applications.

Reinstatement after Suspension

A student readmitted after academic suspension will be placed on academic probation and must carry the limited load of a probationary student. The student will be given two semesters to attain Good Standing (a GPA of 2.0). However, if it is apparent after one semester that this cannot
be done at the end of the next semester, the student may be asked to withdraw after the first of the two semesters. If the student fails to attain Good Standing, permanent withdrawal from the University may be recommended. The student has the right to a single appeal of this recommendation to the Academic Council before a final decision is made. Number of Semesters Completed GPA Required for Satisfactory (Good) Standing

Academic Bankruptcy

Academic bankruptcy is designed to give a student with poor academic record an opportunity to start over. Like financial bankruptcy, it is a drastic measure and involves severe penalties. In applying for academic bankruptcy, the student agrees to the conditions which it entails, such as loss of credits earned, and accepts the special restrictions, including strict standards for future academic performance. A student may apply to declare academic bankruptcy for at most two adjacent semesters of academic work and begin his/her academic career anew at Campbellsville University with the following provisions:

  1. Academic bankruptcy may be declared only once in a student’s academic career.
  2. The student must not have been enrolled in any university study during the preceding semester.
  3. The student desiring to declare academic bankruptcy will petition the Academic Council and/or the Vice President for Academic Affairs at the time of his/her application for admission or readmission. The letter of petition should include a brief narrative explaining any extenuating circumstances that may have caused the academic deficiency.
  4. If the application for admission is approved, the course work declared bankrupt will remain on the student’s academic record, with the notation of academic bankruptcy clearly indicated. This work will not be considered in counting hours earned or for calculating cumulative grade point averages.
  5. Failure to maintain a subsequent cumulative GPA of 2.0 will result in permanent dismissal from the University.
  6. The student who has been allowed to declare academic bankruptcy must fulfill all requirements for his/her degree program, including retaking course work passed during the bankrupt semester.
  7. Once declared, academic bankruptcy cannot be revoked.
  8. The student who has declared academic bankruptcy will not be eligible to graduate as an honor student.
  9. Should the student transfer from Campbellsville University after taking academic bankruptcy, Campbellsville University will not guarantee other institutions will honor the bankruptcy agreement.

Class Attendance Policy

The official class attendance policy is printed in the Student Handbook.

Student Course Load

A normal load for a full-time student is 12-18 hours per semester. First semester freshmen entering the University will be permitted to enroll for no more than 18 hours plus one hour in physical education or ensemble. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors with a 3.0 GPA or better standing may enroll for 21 semester hours plus one hour in physical education or ensemble without the permission of the vice president for academic affairs, but the permission of the student’s advisor and the vice president for academic affairs must be obtained to take more hours.

Summer School Load

Six to nine hours is considered a normal load for an eight-week term of summer school. Students who have a standing of 3.0 GPA or better may enroll for more than nine semester hours with the permission of their advisor and the vice president for academic affairs.

Online Course Load

First semester freshmen are not permitted to take online courses, without the approval from their advisor. Thereafter, on-campus and commuters to the main campus may enroll in a maximum of two online courses (six credit hours) during the 16-week fall and spring semesters. There is no restriction for online courses in summer terms. Entering freshmen may take online courses during the summer preceding their first full fall semester with approval from the Office of Academic Affairs.

International Students (F-1 status/visa holders) may count the course load of only one (1) online class, towards the required 12 credit-hours, each semester. For example a student enrolled in two (2) online classes of three (3) credit hours each, for a total of six (6) online credits, may only count three (3) of these towards the 12 minimum requirement. Thusly, in this example, needing to be enrolled in another nine (9) credit hours of face-to-face classes, for a total of fifteen (15) to meet the minimum requirement and maintain their F-1 (student) status.

English Composition

A “C” or better grade in English 111 and English 112 is required for graduation from Campbellsville University. A student must enroll in Freshman Composition for successive semesters until s/he has made at least a “C” grade. English 111 must be completed satisfactorily before the student enrolls in courses in English beyond the 100 level. The same standard shall apply to transfer students whose transcripts are evaluated for credit toward graduation from Campbellsville University.

Schedule Changes by the University

The University reserves the right at all times to cancel a course when the enrollment is not sufficient to justify its continuance, to divide classes when the enrollment is too large for efficient instruction, to change instructors, and to make any adjustment in the school program that seems necessary.

Faculty Tardiness

Students are to remain in the classroom for 15 minutes if the faculty member is late. After this time, and after signing an attendance sheet, students may leave. A representative of the class is to take the attendance sheet to the office of the vice president for academic affairs.

Course Audits

The same registration procedure is followed for credit courses. Auditors will not be expected to take quizzes or examinations. Courses audited cannot be counted toward meeting graduation requirements.

Repeated Courses

When a course is repeated, all grades for the course remain on the academic record but only the last grade earned in a completed course is used in the GPA calculation.

Classification of Students

A student moves to successive classes when minimum credit hours are earned. The following chart shows the requirements for each level.

Class Requirement
Freshman 26 or fewer credit hours earned.
Sophomore 27 - 56 credit hours earned
Junior 57 - 86 credit hours earned
Senior 87 or more credit hours earned

Schedule Change Procedure

From a course (one or more, but not all courses in a term)

The student completes the Schedule Change form and, depending on the census date, either drops the course via TigerNet or submits the form to one of the following offices for processing: Registrar’s Office, Academics Affairs, or Academic Support.

Withdrawal Procedure

In order for a student to withdraw from a term, her or she must initiate the process by submitting a withdrawal form via Tigernet. A “W” will be placed on the student’s permanent record up until 75% of the semester or class(es) has been completed . If the withdrawal is submitted after 75% of the class is complete, the student must receive a grade in each course for the term. The balance of assignments and test grades will be calculated into the final grade as zeros (0).
A student who leaves unofficially without the completion of the official withdrawal form, forfeits all rights to any reduction of his account, and may receive either F or WA grades.
Any claims for refunds and honorable dismissal will be based on the date the withdrawal form is submitted.

Transcript of Academic Record

The University maintains a permanent record of each student’s academic work in the form of an academic transcript. The transcript reflects in chronological order the courses attempted each term and the grades earned in those courses. Hours attempted, hours earned, and GPA are indicated for each term and for the student’s entire career.

Official transcripts are issued upon written request of the student. The transcript will not be released to a third party without prior written authorization of the student. No transcript will be issued for anyone who has failed to meet all financial obligations to the University. Transcripts are not faxed.

Privacy Rights of Students

Campbellsville University is subject to the provisions of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). This federal law affords students rights of access to education records and imposes regulations on the University in the release and disclosure of education records to third parties.

In order to comply with this law, Campbellsville University has formulated and adopted institutional policies and procedures to be followed by the University and by those interested in gaining access to education records. These policies and procedures allow students: the right to inspect substantially all of his/her education records; the right to prevent disclosures of education records to third parties; and the right to request amendment or correction of education records believed to be inaccurate or misleading. These policies are available for inspection and review in the Registrar’s Office.

It is the policy of the University to allow students to inspect and review their education records unless those records contain any of the following:

  1. Information on more than one student;
  2. Financial information on his/her parents; or
  3. Confidential letters and statements of recommendation if the student has waived his/her right to inspect the letters and the letters are related to the student’s admission to the University, application for employment or receipt of honorary recognition.

According to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, institutions may release without written consent those records identified as public or directory information for students, current and former.

Directory information includes the following student information: student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major fields of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of athletic team members, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and most recent educational institution attended.

Under no circumstances shall a member of the faculty disclose an education record which is in his/her possession or control to any person other than the student to whom it pertains. All requests to inspect and review records not within the faculty member’s possession or control and all requests by third parties (including the student’s parents) to inspect and review records shall be referred to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.


TigerNet is the secure student access portal of the University’s website. With it, students can view and in some cases, update, various personal data elements including contact information, academic program, grades, and financial data.

Semester enrollment is completed, in part, using TigerNet. After meeting with the academic advisor, the student registers various pieces of information and schedules courses using this system. Adding and dropping courses during a semester’s registration period is done via TigerNet. Certain restrictions apply.

Student Personal Identification Number (PIN)

This number serves as the student’s password to TigerNet and other online services provided by the University. The PIN is issued at Student Orientation and remains active throughout the student’s academic career. It should kept private and secure. Should the number be compromised, it can be changed by personnel in the Registrar’s Office.

Title IX

Campbellsville University does not discriminate on the basis of sex in the education programs or activities that the University operates. The University is required by Title IX not to discriminate in such a manner. This requirement not to discriminate in the University’s education programs or activities extends to employment and admissions.
·  Campbellsville University’s notice of non-discrimination is widely disseminated across multiple platforms. You can review the Notice of Non-Discrimination here: https://www.campbellsville.edu/policy/non-discrimination-policy/.  
·  Campbellsville University does not treat applicants, students, or employees differently on the basis of sex.
·  Campbellsville University has adopted and published grievance procedures that provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of student and employee complaints alleging any action that is prohibited by Title IX. Additionally, the University’s grievance process complies with Title IX §106.45 for formal complaints. The University hereby provides notice of the University’s grievance procedures and processes to applicants for admission and employment, students and employees, and all unions of professional organizations holding collective bargaining or professional agreements, including how to report or file a complaint of sex discrimination, how to report or file a formal complaint of sexual harassment, and how the University will respond in such cases, all of which is set forth in Sections 5 through 9 in the Sexual Misconduct Policy, which can be found here: https://www.campbellsville.edu/policy/title-ix-policy-procedure/.
Lead Title IX Coordinator
Fred Frontino
Title IX Coordinator
Main Campus - Student Services Building, Office 1
Campbellsville, KY 42718
(270) 789-5560
Deputy Title IX Coordinators
Deborah Thomas
Assistant Director of Campbellsville University - Louisville
Louisville Education Center
Louisville, KY
(502) 694-4764 Ext. 6102
Jennah Tevis Milburn
Director of Recruitment and Enrollment - Harrodsburg
Conover Education Center
Harrodsburg, KY
(859) 605-1389 Ext. 9006